Sabrina’s Story

Sabrina’s Story

Sabrina’s Story

Sabrina Rising is a pioneer in personal development and has been applying her intuitive skills and spiritual teachings for the past two decades. She has done extensive work in the field of Mindfulness, Somatic Therapy, Primal Release, Regression Therapy and Hypnosis and has led hundreds of groups of all ages suffering from emotional and physical distress.

In each of these groups, Sabrina successfully created safe heart-opening transformational processes, helping individuals release old childhood wounds that stay trapped in the cellular memory of our bodies for a lifetime. She is an expert in intuiting the residual emotional scars created in the formative years and assists in creating a context for people to understand the past and its current impact on their life, and offers a unique approach to permanent healing and self-realization.

Sabrina is an accredited member of the International Meditation Teachers Association and certified to teach adults and children  She is also profoundly versed in several modalities such as Vipassana meditation, Hatha yoga, Pranic healing, the twelve steps of AA, and Non-violent communication. Her life’s work has allowed her to integrate the most effective aspects of each approach into a focused methodology that is curated to suit the needs of her clients. 

Sabrina is a renowned empath with a laser-sharp ability to read energy and a master in bridging ancient wisdom from the East with modern theories of psychology, spirituality, and practical tools for productive living. As a result of her self-healing journey, Sabrina has dedicated herself to the exploration of human consciousness, its modern implications, and developing tools for self-mastery in everyday life.

Sabrina’s Media Appearances

Manifesting With Ease

Liberation Podcast


Liberation Podcast

You Are Worthy!

Inspired Living

Complimentary Intuitive Reading & Recommendations

Connect with me for a free consultation and receive a brief intuitive reading, some immediate relief, tools and insights. You will receive personalized recommendations for a long term healing plan.

Complimentary Intuitive Reading & Recommendations

Connect with me for a free consultation, receive a mini intuitive reading, some immediate relief, tools and lots of insights. recommendation for a long term healing plan will be made without obligation.

Complimentary Intuitive Reading & Recommendations

Connect with me for a free consultation, receive a mini intuitive reading, some immediate relief, tools and lots of insights. recommendation for a long term healing plan will be made without obligation.